Love your Feet in National Feet Week
Send some love to your feet with the following foot exercises suggested by Stella @ Calm Soul Yoga & Holistic Therapies
Stimulate your feet

Rub the soles of your feet on the inside of your leggings or trousers ( as if you have sand on your feet ) and then stand with both feet on the ground and notice any sensations, perhaps prickling or warmth and the feeling of the whole of the footprint on the ground….from the ball of your big toe to the ball of your little toe, to the pad of your heel. This exercise helps to stimulate the nerve endings in your feet which in turn can help with balance and proprioception.
Toe Stretch

Kneeling with padded knees, curl your toes deeply under (using your fingers to help if needed) and then very gradually shift the weight back into the feet. Take your time, only go as far as is comfortable and increase the hold as your body adjusts to the stretch. This exercise increases toe mobility and strengthens the ankle as well as lengthening the plantar fascia. The facia (connective tissue) in the feet continues up the back of the legs and the whole of the back line of the body. By releasing the foot fascia you are making more space along the entire back line of the body. It also helps to condition some of the muscles which originate outside the foot as well as some of the ones purely in the foot.
Shaking hands with your feet

Thread each finger between your toes and squeeze your toes into your fingers 4 or 5 times. This might seem difficult at first – particularly peeling your toes apart .Take it gently because the toes, muscles and fascia of the feet will have adapted to the restricted movement of most non barefoot footwear. Rotate the top of the foot clockwise and then anti clockwise. Notice the difference between the foot you have ‘worked’ and the one yet to be worked. Your foot may feel tingly, have more space between the toes and look pinker with increased blood and circulation. The often neglected muscles of the toes will have had a ‘workout’
Tip toe on tiptoes

Find a good stable footprint with feet hip width apart – give the soles of your feet a rub ( see the first exercise) and take your awareness into both feet .Rise onto toes, holding onto a chair or wall if necessary or if you feel balanced then try walking forward on tip toes. This exercise will help to improves toe and ankle mobility and strength as well as improving overall balance.
….and then continue the good work with freet barefoot shoes
The foot was designed to connect with the earth and respond to it’s surroundings.